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We believe in sharing the whole counsel of God. We do this by going verse by verse expositionally through books of the Bible. View some of Pastor Eric's past messages through many books form the Old and New Testament.

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We want to Reach Up.

Reach Up cross icon

Reaching up is our investment into our walks with the Lord, both individually and corporately. We believe that one can attain a deep and personal relationship with the living God though prayer, fellowship with other believers, worship of God and studying the Word. This is foundational and if this step is skipped the next two steps are rendered ineffective. Our goal in reaching in is to strengthen our personal walks with the Lord and in turn strengthening the church as a whole.
Woman reading the Bible

We want to Reach In

Reach In heart icon
Reaching In is our ministry to the Body of Christ. This investment is seen in many different capacities. We invest locally (Reach Jax), through providing a place where every believer can experience fellowship, counsel and comfort. These goals are met primarily by worship and teaching. Our goal in reaching in is to develop a strong Christ centered community with a living knowledge of the Word and a loving disposition to the churched as well as the non-churched.
Looking across the St. Johns River at the John T. Alsop Jr. Bridge (Main Street Bridge)

We want to Reach Out.

Reach Out person icon
Reaching out is a direct result from a healthy reaching up and reaching in. Reaching out, as we see it, is investing in the community outside of the church both formally and informally. This happens through community projects, benevolence ministry and by being a positive addition to the local community. Our goal in reaching out is to see the lost saved.

Service Times

Sundays 9am &10:45am
Wednesdays 6:30pm