Stay up-to-date with all the latest news and events happening at Reach Church!
Whether you’re a newcomer or a regular attendee, this page is your go-to source for important updates, exciting events, and opportunities to get involved. Check back regularly to stay informed and connected.
We're glad you're here!
Whether you’re a newcomer or a regular attendee, this page is your go-to source for important updates, exciting events, and opportunities to get involved. Check back regularly to stay informed and connected.
We're glad you're here!
Wednesday Night Dinner
Please join us each Wednesday evening from 5pm to 6pm for dinner made by our Reach Kitchen Ministry!
There is a suggested donation of $5 per person.
There is a suggested donation of $5 per person.
Calvary Chapel Vero Beach Puppet Team
Marriage Ministry
On Saturday, September 7, at 6:30 p.m., please plan to join us in the sanctuary as we welcome the CC Vero Beach Puppet Team. They are excited to share their show with children of all ages. They will also present for Children's Ministry on Sunday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
We are excited to host a 3-session Marriage Ministry event and hope to strengthen and encourage oneness in marriage relationships. Please make plans to join us on Friday, September 13th, 27th, and October 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided.
All-Servant Meeting
Mission Trip Meeting
If you serve in any capacity here at Reach, there is a meeting on Sunday, September 8 directly after 2nd service in the sanctuary. We are moving to a new management platform and will give out necessary information at this time. The meeting should be under 30 minutes and all staff will be present for support.
We are already planning a return mission trip to Honduras next summer and will continue supporting Give Hope to Honduras and the work God is doing there. If you are interested in hearing more about what is being planned, please come to our interest meeting on Sunday, September 15, after 2nd service. We will share a video and testimonies from the last trip, go over some details and expectations of the upcoming trip, and have time to answer questions.